Monday, August 30, 2010

3 Months

My little boy is growing up and time just feels like it is slipping through my fingers! Matty is 3 months and I can already pick up on his bubbly personality and love for music! He is learning new thing and amazing us everyday.

Ever since Matty was born, he has had one heck of a fear of water. Every time we give the little man a bath or put him near a running faucet, the screaming begins and the tears start to flow.. so at the recommendation of his doctor, we have started taking him to "Splash Time" at the local aquatics center! Its a 2 hr time period every weekday morning where the pool is open only to preschoolers and younger to come and have fun in the water without the chaos of the older kids. We are taking, no pun intended, baby steps in attempt to erase his fears and so far we have small progress... more news on that to come...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Matty's first visit to Atlanta!

Matthew and I just got back from a wonderful 11 day trip to Atlanta! Jay surprised me with the trip for my birthday and I had a great time! I only wish that Jay could have gotten time off to come with us.

It was great to see my folks and for them to meet Matty. Other than my mom and Jay's parents, nobody else in the family had met him yet, so it was a fun filled trip! Within seconds, Matty won everyone's undivided attention and their hearts.


 While we were in town, we were able to go to my friend Ashley's wedding as well as see my brother graduate with his Masters at Kennesaw State University!

Although it was sad to say goodbye to everyone in Atlanta, Matty and I were very happy to be home and with Daddy! Anyways, the 3 of us will be in town for Thanksgiving, so its more of a "see ya soon"!