Saturday, September 18, 2010

Solid Foods

Well yesterday was Matthew's 4 month check-up and the numbers are in....
Matthew is 15lbs 15 oz and 26 inches long!

Doctor Leopold said that he is right on track with all aspects except for strength... He calculates that Matty is about 2-3 months ahead on strength! That's my strong kiddo!

Also, due to Matty's activeness and the fact that the formula isn't satisfying his hunger as it should... the doc gave the ok to start solid foods! So today we gave him some rice cereal. He didn't seem to like it very much, but after smelling the stuff and my curiosity engulfing me to take a small taste myself... I can't blame the little guy... Its horrible! lol. Doc said that if he didn't take to it... wait a few days and try again.

After the whole feeding ordeal, we both were exhausted and took one of my most treasured activities... napping with my little man in my arms. Jay captured this shot as we slept. Its simple moments like this that I hope to always remember and cherish.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Family Time

The two most important men in my life just relaxing on the couch watching some TV. Its days like this that I love... nothing important to do, but spend a peaceful and relaxing day with the family.

As you can tell in the picture, Matthew is getting big! His 4 month check- up is in a week and I am curious to see how far he has come!

Tummy-time has been a nightmare so far. Almost as soon as you put Matty on the floor, he becomes frustrated and begins to cry. Its been a few days now that there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel! Here Matty is playing with one of his favorite toys and actually enjoying himself. This session lasted a whomping 30 minutes! I know this sounds silly, but this 30 minutes is an aweso-mazing victory in my book!

Monday, August 30, 2010

3 Months

My little boy is growing up and time just feels like it is slipping through my fingers! Matty is 3 months and I can already pick up on his bubbly personality and love for music! He is learning new thing and amazing us everyday.

Ever since Matty was born, he has had one heck of a fear of water. Every time we give the little man a bath or put him near a running faucet, the screaming begins and the tears start to flow.. so at the recommendation of his doctor, we have started taking him to "Splash Time" at the local aquatics center! Its a 2 hr time period every weekday morning where the pool is open only to preschoolers and younger to come and have fun in the water without the chaos of the older kids. We are taking, no pun intended, baby steps in attempt to erase his fears and so far we have small progress... more news on that to come...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Matty's first visit to Atlanta!

Matthew and I just got back from a wonderful 11 day trip to Atlanta! Jay surprised me with the trip for my birthday and I had a great time! I only wish that Jay could have gotten time off to come with us.

It was great to see my folks and for them to meet Matty. Other than my mom and Jay's parents, nobody else in the family had met him yet, so it was a fun filled trip! Within seconds, Matty won everyone's undivided attention and their hearts.


 While we were in town, we were able to go to my friend Ashley's wedding as well as see my brother graduate with his Masters at Kennesaw State University!

Although it was sad to say goodbye to everyone in Atlanta, Matty and I were very happy to be home and with Daddy! Anyways, the 3 of us will be in town for Thanksgiving, so its more of a "see ya soon"!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!!

So for my 23rd birthday, Jay took me to Tucson to celebrate! We actually got there on the night before, on the 16th, and I was given an hour long massage at the spa and later treated to a fabulous dinner at the newly opened Cheesecake Factory! After dinner I was brought a slice of the red velvet cheesecake and the waiters sang "Happy Birthday" to me. It was a great ending to our outing! That night we spent the night at a great hotel and the following morning, on the day of my actual birthday, Jay gave me full reign on where to go shopping! On top of getting a new phone, which I absolutely love, I got to buy a cute new purse, pair of jeans, and a couple of tops! I had a blast celebrating my birthday with my boys!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Grandama's Visit!

My mother had the opportunity to come out and visit us from Georgia! She arrived today eager to meet her first grandchild. From the moment she held Matty in her arms, it was difficult to get him back! :)

She will get to be here with us till the end of next week and we couldn't be happier! Hopefully she'll get to get some quality time with Matty!

Friday, May 21, 2010

HOME! Finally!

After being in the hospital for almost a week, Today we were finally able to bring Matthew home! It was great being able to come home and walk through the door knowing that our whole family was there. It took us a few extra days than planned to leave the hospital due to some complications to Matty's health.

On the morning of the 18th, I noticed that he was a bit lethargic and wasn't eating very much. I kept insisting to the nurses that something was wrong, but they assured me that he was fine and was just tired from his little "journey". A couple of hours before the 24 hr mark, Matty was making a choking noise and had some fluid coming out of his mouth, yet he had been sleeping for the past 5 hours without eating. I had enough at that point and insisted on the staff checking him out. Jay and I waited for any news for a while, but we fell asleep in the process. At around 11pm, a nurse came in and woke me up to tell me that Matthew's biliruben count was extremely high and that his Oxygen levels were a bit on the lower end... so they had him under lamps to help with his Jaundice, and was on Oxygen to help his breathing. Long story short, after 2 days under lamps, 24 hours on Oxygen, and about a 36 hour scare of him not being able to eat and being extremely close to needing a temporary feeding tube.... we were given the O.K. to go home!
This day has brought on so many emotions. We are thrilled to say that our son... our precious baby boy is home and in our arms... safe, happy, and healthy! We are tired due to lack of sleep the past few days at the hospital worrying over Matty. We are terrified of the unknown realms of parenthood and what in this first night home awaits us. Most of all we are grateful. We are grateful that Matthew has come into our lives and has begun this new and exciting chapter in our life!

Now to put this little man in bed.... wish us luck! ;)