Saturday, September 18, 2010

Solid Foods

Well yesterday was Matthew's 4 month check-up and the numbers are in....
Matthew is 15lbs 15 oz and 26 inches long!

Doctor Leopold said that he is right on track with all aspects except for strength... He calculates that Matty is about 2-3 months ahead on strength! That's my strong kiddo!

Also, due to Matty's activeness and the fact that the formula isn't satisfying his hunger as it should... the doc gave the ok to start solid foods! So today we gave him some rice cereal. He didn't seem to like it very much, but after smelling the stuff and my curiosity engulfing me to take a small taste myself... I can't blame the little guy... Its horrible! lol. Doc said that if he didn't take to it... wait a few days and try again.

After the whole feeding ordeal, we both were exhausted and took one of my most treasured activities... napping with my little man in my arms. Jay captured this shot as we slept. Its simple moments like this that I hope to always remember and cherish.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Family Time

The two most important men in my life just relaxing on the couch watching some TV. Its days like this that I love... nothing important to do, but spend a peaceful and relaxing day with the family.

As you can tell in the picture, Matthew is getting big! His 4 month check- up is in a week and I am curious to see how far he has come!

Tummy-time has been a nightmare so far. Almost as soon as you put Matty on the floor, he becomes frustrated and begins to cry. Its been a few days now that there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel! Here Matty is playing with one of his favorite toys and actually enjoying himself. This session lasted a whomping 30 minutes! I know this sounds silly, but this 30 minutes is an aweso-mazing victory in my book!